Micro Pro offer fully managed antivirus to businesses in London and the surrounding areas. Our service offers protection from viruses, malware, trojans, ransomware and other potentially devastating attacks. From our offices just inside the M25, our team of engineers remotely manages and updates your antivirus software, monitors threats, and deals with infections. The software we deploy is not only always up-to-date with the latest known threats, but also protects against new and unknown viruses using heuristic checks and behavioral scanning. And if a staff member accidentally opens something they shouldn’t, Micro Pro are a phone call or an email away.
- Fully managed
- Always up-to-date
- Minimise disruption to business operations
- Keep your data secure

Ransomware is a particularly nasty type of malicious software that can be devastating to an organisation. It typically spreads through phishing emails or individuals unknowingly visiting an infected website. Once it gains access to a vulnerable system, it quickly works to encrypt all of the data across computers and devices on the network. Encrypted data becomes completely inaccessible to anyone without the encryption key, and a message will be displayed demanding a ransom. Usually the only realistic hope of retrieving the data is through payment of the ransom with a cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin. However, there is no guarantee that the encryption key will be provided if the ransom is paid. This is just one example of a threat that managed antivirus protects against.
- Safeguard your data
- Protect your business against potentially devastating threats
- Minimise downtime
Anti-Virus & Regulations Compliance
Effective antivirus is an essential component in maintaining compliance with regulations such as GDPR. A key principle of the GDPR is that you process personal data securely by means of ‘appropriate technical and organisational measures’. This means an organisation must implement and maintain tools such as antivirus, which is unquestionably critical to data security, to stay compliant. When you take advantage of managed antivirus from Micro Pro, it’s one less thing to worry about. Always there, always up-to-date.
- Take appropriate steps to protect personal data
- Be aware of potential threats
- Comply with GDPR